Thursday, April 16, 2015

Endo and Exo reactions

      A exothermic reaction is when the reaction puts out heat and or light. Creating a flame is a exothermic reaction. Does it exert heat? Yes, when you make a campfire its usually to warm you up or make food, in this case making food is a endothermic reaction. Creating flames are also used as a source for light. When you light a candle you have a source of light, the combustion of the wick creates a flame and that flame puts out heat and light. Creating a flame is a easy thing to do, today we have matches, lighters and we can always use the natural way of creating a flame by rubbing two things together to produce heat. This reaction has enabled us to do many things in todays world. Combustion has allowed us to cook food which has prevented us to burn off bacteria so we don't get sick while eating our meats. In a oven the oven puts out heat and if we were making bread the dough would absorb the heat and would begin to rise and than we have bread. Combustion also has enabled us to learn more about solutes and solvents in the lab because we had to light gas for our bunsen burners. Since combustion occurs we can use the heat from it to do all of these things.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Synthetic Oil

Synthetic oils have the same base of liquids as natural oils do. There are a few problems with them though, as the molecules colide in the sythentic oils it produces less heat because the molecules are in uniformity and are about the same mass. With this synthetic oil we can add things to the mix like friction modifiers, detergents, disperants and antioxidants which gives us a advantage over conventional oil. Another advantage of the synthetic oil is that it flows better than conventional oil does in the cold and it also does deteriate as fast as convetional oil does at extreme change of temperature which could damage your engine if you were using conventional oil. The syntethic oils in slicker than coventional oil whcih means better horse power and better gas mileage but it leaks more than conventional oil. Since the oil is slicker and contains none of the impurities of conventional oil it creates less polution. These oils are both found in the ground but after that they are completely different, the synthetic oils are refined and changed to fit the demands of modern day engines, they are broken down into their basic molecules which will remove the impurities and than they can enhance the oil.
With the new oil we can protect and prolong our cars quality and keep it running longer. The new oil will also create less pollution because it lasts longer than normal oil and doesnt produce as much heat. We can protect our engines with the oil because they modify it to create a thicker wall between parts in the engine which helps them to not touch and cause damage to the engine and other parts of the vehicle. Another thing the oil is good with is temperature resistance, it will run better and help us more than conventional oil does if were in a cold climate.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Periodic Table

Before we watched the film about the elements I knew a few things about the periodic table. I knew many of the elements were metals and were grouped by what type of element it was categorised by. I knew the Periodic Table was also put together by a scientists named Mendeleev. I also knew the numbers on the table represented each elements atomic number.
I learned a few things out of the film like how protons and neutrons work and why they go together. What I think was the coolest thing I learned was how adding a electron to the atom will force another electron out triggering a domino effect to all the other atoms. I also learned how many of the elements on the table are in the basic items we use. I would've never thought samarium was in regular magnets.
With everything I learned from the film I'd like to see if we can create even more elements. I know we have found new elements but they only are stable for 10 seconds. I would also like to see if we could enhance the elements and find new ways to use them for our every day life. It would also be useful to find new energy in elements.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Alternative Energy

     Alternative energy is well another source of energy. Fossil fuels are also a source of energy but many fuels pollute and contaminate the air. The difference between the two Alternative energy and Fossil fuels is that one is good for the earth and is renewable. Alternative energy is in the form of water, wind, and solar. The alternative energy is another solution of getting energy without causing harm to the earth. The cool thing about alternative energy is that it can be reused and it also can also change forms of energy. Fossil fuels are not renewable once they are used you cannot reuse them they are gone. Okay so say I burn a piece of coal and it powers this generator I have, but also say I have have water and solar energy working together to create steam and I power the generator with steam. Which one do you think is better for the Earth? The steam powered generator is better because it didn't pollute the earth. What are your thoughts on alternative energy?